Mycoplasma Detection

Mycoplasma is a common and serious contaminant of cell cultures. In continuous cell cultures, contaminating Mycoplasma may grow slowly, not killing the cells outright but affecting various parameters, leading to unreliable results. Testing for Mycoplasma is an important and necessary quality control measure. 

e-Myco kits are PCR-based assays designed to detect Mycoplasma and determine the species. Each tube contains all components required for PCR in a dried and stable pellet format. The reaction can begin by simply adding the template DNA or samples to be tested. With strong sensitivity, multiple internal controls, and high reproducibility, these kits provide reliable results. 

e-Myco Citations


Sales Price$909.00
50 Tests
Sales Price$309.00
48 Tests
Sales Price$309.00
48 Tests
Sales Price$295.00
48 Tests
Sales Price$60.00